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Jan. 30, 2023

The Prodigal Son Returns!

The Prodigal Son Returns!

Our very own King Ad Rock makes his seasonal debut in Episode 3. And not a moment too soon. In old school pro wrestling terms, Jay "Cuts a Promo" on the Dallas Cowboys and their fanbase that would even make Ric Flair or Stone Cold take notice and it was "a Shoot".  Danny attempts to provide some therapy for Jay's rage. Sigmund Freud once surmised that "the Irish are the only people impervious to psychoanalysis" and judging by Mr. Kelley's response, we found this to be a factual interpretation. 
Not to be outdone, Danny "Cuts a Promo" on Todd for withholding information and it was also "a Shoot". Danny hates secretes. Jay made no attempt to psychoanalyze the root cause of Danny's rage. Listen past the outro music for a glimpse behind the scenes at Deerfield Studios.    

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Featuring some clips from the very early hours of NYE morning with Ashley B & Jaime "Jimmy" D on the intro this episode.