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July 15, 2022

Hug a Holstein!

Hug a Holstein!

This episode of the podcast brought to you by First National Realty- The Jones Team.  You can find them at realtorjones.com. Have you been suffering with stress and anxiety in this era of the rising cost of groceries, fuel, and everyday living expenses? Of course you have. We all have. During his quest of seeking the wisdom of the ancients, Jay has found the key to alleviate that burden, Hug A Cow. Now that your fears  have lifted, sit back, relax, and listen to your buddies at the Temple. Call Vegas and put your money down on Mitch Trubinsky making the Pro Bowl and the Steelers making the playoffs. You heard it here first, second, & third!

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Featuring some clips from the very early hours of NYE morning with Ashley B & Jaime "Jimmy" D on the intro this episode.